The moon blotted out the sun, on the winter solstice.
Cynthia brought out the blankets and sat on the couch.
"So, you still hanging out with Saskia?" Rosabella asked Evelyn, eyeing her as she popped another crisp into her mouth.
"Haven't seen her since last equinox," Evelyn replied.
Rosabella rolled her eyes. "She's hiding from us. She needs to give me back my game board."
Evelyn broke into a short laugh. "She kept asking me to give the refuge fire cuffstone so she could play with her boyfriend."
Evelyn quickly looked around, then leant forward and lowered her voice. "Tanya would have noticed the next day if it was gone."
Rosabella laughed.
"What's your name?" Rosabella asked the girl with the blonde wavy hair.
"Anthea," she replied.